Sunday, September 2, 2012

Why I Decided To Put This Up

After 3 years (and still counting) being in a relationship, the wonderful days of "getting to know your partner" starts to slow down as you probably know each other's personality so well enough to fill out Autograph Books (or Facebook profile for post-90s kids) in the other person's name.

I hate to admit it but sometimes, dates can get too repetitive and so normal that it won't seem like a date at all. Is the process of Meet-Eat-Movie familiar to every one? I bet many couples, if not all had a date or two that went like that.


For my boyfriend and I, we have 3 types of dates: Usual, Normal, and Grand. Okay, we don't really say
"Let's do a normal date today!"; we just realize it at the end of the day that we had that kind of date. It was his idea to categorize dates into 3 levels.

The USUAL date scenario is us being at either's houses and watching our favorite shows (2 Days & 1 Night, Invincible Youth, Music Bank on KBS) while the other prepares the meal. The NORMAL date is what I've described above being the Meet-Eat-Movie type. And finally the GRAND date is when we try new dining places and do out-of-the-ordinary fun activities which most of the time result to elevated expenditures at the end of the day and leaves us broke until the next normal date. /haha

Early in the morning of September 1 - like 1am early - I texted my boyfriend that I wanna date. We only see each other during the weekend and I missed him so much already. *pardon my baby talk, it's normal! /wrist.
Me: Oppa I wanna detooo (date) tomowwow pleeaassee?? And since u don't reply u decide wer to go n wat to do ha? haa? haaa? HAAA?
Him: Bakit ako mag-iisip eh ikaw nagyaya?
Me: Kasi... kasi... kasi... Okay, let's go to Korean eat-all-you-can somewhere in Kalayaan QC and then eat keki (cake) at Tous Les Jours The Block. 
When faced with nothing to do, write crazy stuff on restaurant napkins :)

I gotta admit, my boyfriend isn't very creative about dates. But when he does, he is not stingy about it. Often, I end up planning our dates. And after a long time together, it gets too generic. Being the adventurous girl that I am, it's very boring for me and him. Don't get me wrong, we have a great relationship. We talk about a lot of things and enjoy even the simplest strolls in the malls. The relationship is not boring, the date is. In an hour we always ask each other, "Where do we go next?"

So here begins my journey on advising couples where to go and what to do next on a Saturdate. I'm planning to make this blog a place where couples can find relationship advice, date, and gift ideas. And as an OrCommunicator, I believe that the foundation of great relationship is constant communication. I don't have to state that communication is a two-way process, yes? That being said, I hope I can drag my boyfriend to co-author this blog so he can deliver the male perspective for the ladies.

I have loads of ideas for this blog concept. I pray my internet connection won't fail me. Fighting!
In the meantime, visit my personal blog: 

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